Bruxelles – Patto di stabilità, revisione del quadro fiscale dell’Unione europea (in particolare con riguardo agli effetti pro-ciclici, agli investimenti e agli squilibri macroeconomici) e, non ultimo, il cambiamento climatico.
Sono questi gli argomenti principali su cui gli eurodeputati si sono concentrati nelle domande a risposta scritta inviate a Paolo Gentiloni, il quale dovrà rispondere per iscritto entro il 3 ottobre, quando si svolgerà la sua audizione/esame al Parlamento Ue, quando questi temi, saranno probabilmente approfonditi. Al commissario in pectore per l’Economia a Bruxelles viene chiesto come intende agire in termini di trasparenza e cooperazione nell’iniziativa legislativa in Parlamento e su cosa punterà per la revisione del Semestre europeo, il ciclo di coordinamento delle politiche economiche e di bilancio nell’ambito dell’Ue. Altro focus del questionario, l’agenda fiscale. Gli eurodeputati chiedono a Gentiloni quali sono le sue priorità in merito e come intende promuovere un sistema fiscale più moderno, semplice ed equo, tenendo conto della riforma internazionale in corso, promossa dal G20 (compreso il tema dell’aliquota minima effettiva per le imprese), dell’economia digitale e del cambiamento climatico. Inoltre, gli eurodeputati vogliono sapere da Gentiloni il suo punto di vista circa l’idea di abolire l’unanimità nelle decisioni del Consiglio europeo.
In fondo al questionario, il tema disoccupazione. L’eletto commissario Ue per l’Economia dovrà spiegare ai deputati come intende disegnare lo schema di assicurazione contro la disoccupazione.
Ecco il testo inviato a Gentiloni:
Paolo GENTILONI Commissioner-designate for Economy |
General competence, European commitment and personal independence
What aspects of your personal qualifications and experience are particularly relevant for becoming Commissioner and promoting the European general interest, particularly in the area you would be responsible for? What motivates you? How will you contribute to putting forward the strategic agenda of the Commission? How will you implement gender mainstreaming and integrate a gender perspective into all policy areas of your portfolio?
What guarantees of independence are you able to give the European Parliament, and how would you make sure that any past, current or future activities you carry out could not cast doubt on the performance of your duties within the Commission?
Management of the portfolio and cooperation with the European Parliament
How would you assess your role as a Member of the College of Commissioners? In what respect would you consider yourself responsible and accountable to the Parliament for your actions and for those of your departments?
What specific commitments are you prepared to make in terms of enhanced transparency, increased cooperation and effective follow-up to Parliament’s positions and requests for legislative initiatives? In relation to planned initiatives or ongoing procedures, are you ready to provide Parliament with information and documents on an equal footing with the Council?
Questions from the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
– What is your stance on the application of the Stability and Growth Pact? What are your intentions with regard to the upcoming review of the EU’s fiscal framework, in particular concerning pro-cyclical effects, investments, macroeconomic imbalances and the simplification of the rules?
– How do you envisage reforming the European Semester? How will you deliver on enhancing democratic accountability? What are your views concerning the incorporation of social and environmental criteria?
– What is your intention with regard to the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance?
– Could you specify your priorities and road map for an EU tax agenda? How would you as Commissioner promote a more modern, simpler, fairer taxation system, in particular taking into account the on-going International Tax Reform led by G20 (including the discussions around a minimum effective corporate tax rate and the need to put an end to harmful tax practices), the digitalisation of the economy and the EU Climate Change agenda? Do you intend, if appropriate, to make use of the procedure laid down in Article 116 TFEU which makes it possible to change the unanimity requirement in the tax area?
-How would you concretely improve the functioning of EMU? What is your intention with regard to the establishment of the European Unemployment Benefit Reinsurance Scheme?